Tutorial for old Siemens C35 battery voltage calculation

Internal constants (adjusted in factory, EElite BlockID 67)
SpgY03V [units] SpgX0 [mV] SpgY04V [units] SpgDelta [mV]
0000: 0002: 0004: 0006:
Input (from DSP-ADC EGaim) Output (charge monitor VBxxxx)
VBattDSP [units] VBatt [mV]
Expression for battery voltage calculation
VBatt = SpgX0 + SpgDelta * (SpgY04V - VBattDSP) / (SpgY04V -
SpgY04V [AD units] constant - digital value from A/D for voltage V1
SpgX0 [mV] constant - voltage V1
SpgY03V [AD units] constant - digital value from A/D for voltage V2
SpgDelta [mV] constant - voltage V2 - V1
VBattDSP [AD units] input - digital value from A/D for measured actual
voltage Vb
VBatt [mV] output - actual voltage Vb (displayed VBxxxx)
How to…
You can to measure 2 different voltages VBatt1 and VBatt2 (hw voltmeter)
and read 2 corresponding digital A/D values VBattDSP1 and VBattDSP2 (sw
Sensor Tool V1.3, field VBattDSP).
After this you must fill 4 fields in Sensor Tool V1.3 (VBatt1, VBatt2,
VBattDSP1 and VBattDSP2) and Calculate SpgY03V and SpgY04V.
It is right way, how to adjust EElite block ID67 in your phone individually.
Very similar to factory settings.
First and foremost - if you have original settings, forget for this stuff.
You don't need it. (Notify, that battery service isn't ideal in Siemens' phones)
But if you have your eeprom rewrited with eeprom from other phone,
maybe (!) that your battery constants are wrong for your phone
(not always, maybe that they are relatively ok for all that)
If you want recalibrate battery constants:
For Siemens Sensor Tools v1.3 (Tools) work Phone is off,
and you must press red button shortly (if you haven't autoignition cable)
1st step
Discharged battery insert into phone (switched off)
and let battery cover taken off from battery.
Measure battery voltage using external voltmeter
on battery contacts directly.
Remember it - it is VBatt2.
Run Tools and look at field VBatDSP.
Remember it - it is VBattDSP2.
2nd step
Charge battery fully.
Charged battery insert into phone (switched off)
and let battery cover taken off.
Measure battery voltage using external voltmeter.
Remember it - it is VBatt1.
Run Tools and look at field VBatDSP.
Remember it - it is VBattDSP1.
3rd step
Read EElite block ID67 values from your Phone.
Fill fields VBatt1, VBattDSP1 and VBatt2, VBattDSP2
with values from steps 1 and 2.
Click "Calculate SpgY03V and SpgY04V".
After this you can write recalculated values
into your phone., best regards fameworx 2008.
