Installing NOKIA PC Suites drivers

You need to have the following drivers installed on your PC:
• Connectivity drivers so that you can connect your phone and the PC to use Nokia PC Suite applications.
• Modem drivers if you want to use your phone as a modem when there is no wired network available. By using your phone as a modem you can connect to network services such as the Internet, for example, with the Nokia PC Suite One Touch Access application. If you do not want to use your phone as a modem, you do not need to install modem drivers.

Most drivers are installed automatically when PC Suite is installed and when you connect your phone to the PC in the Get Connected wizard.
The following table shows the required drivers, and if they are installed automatically or if you need to install them manually before or after installing PC Suite.
Connection type
Connectivity drivers needed to connect the phone and PC
Modem drivers needed to use the phone as a modem
USB cable DKU-2, CA-53
Serial cable CA-42
Cable drivers and modem drivers are automatically installed with Nokia PC Suite.
Serial cable DKU-5
Install DKU-5 cable drivers beforeinstalling Nokia PC Suite.
Install the Nokia xxxx Cable modem (xxxx is the model number of the phone) after you have installed Nokia PC Suite.
Installed automatically.
Nokia infrared modem is installed automatically when you connect your phone to the PC via infrared.
If you are using Windows XP SP1, you must update the Nokia xxxx IrDA driver (xxxx is the model number of the phone) after you have installed Nokia PC Suite.
Bluetooth wireless technology
Installed automatically.
Install the Nokia xxxx Bluetooth modem (xxxx is the model number of the phone) after you have installed Nokia PC Suite.
If you have Windows XP SP2 Bluetooth, the Bluetooth modem is already installed and you do not need to install it.
2.1 Installing NOKIA DKU-5 cable driver
If you want to use a DKU-5 cable to connect your phone to the PC, you need to install the cable drivers before you install Nokia PC Suite.
For DKU-2, CA-42, and CA-53 the cable drivers are installed automatically.
To install a cable driver for a DKU-5 cable
1. Install the driver from the CD-ROM you received with the cable, or go to to download the file for Nokia DKU-5 Driver.
2. Save the file on your PC.
3. Browse to the downloaded file Nokia_DKU_5_xx.exe (where xx stands for the version number of the cable) and double-click it.
4. Unzip the files in a preferred location on your PC.
5. Browse to the unzipped files and double-click Nokia_DKU_5.exe. The installation program opens.
6. Select the installation language. First a Copyright page opens, and after a few seconds an End user software agreement page opens.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the End user software agreement and click I accept. The installation page opens.
8. Start installing the driver, and on the page that opens select Install Connectivity Adapter Driver for DKU-5.
9. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the installation.
,best regards fameworx 2008.
