SSD vs. HDD Pros and Cons - The Future of Storage Devices

Intel Solid State Drive - SSD

SSD vs HDD - Which is better?

Have you heard SSD? It stands for Solid State Drive, a kind of storage device with no moving parts. Instead it uses NAND Flash memories to store data. Unlike HDD with spinning disks and moving read & write heads, this new technology will dominate the market in 3-5 years time.

Advantage of SSD (Pros):

1. Since SSD has no moving parts, it has lower access time and latency. In other words this is much faster data access than HDD.
2. No moving parts makes this drive no sound thus, quieter than HDD & less heat.
3. Free from mechanical breakdowns, free from shock and vibration.
4. Size and weight are small – Flash memory and circuit boards are very light.
5. Power consumption is lower by 1/2 – 1/3 compared with HDD. This is good for netbook, notebook, laptop and small devices with battery as power source.
6. Longevity – SSD have longer life span

SSD SATA and Power Connector

Disadvantages (Cons):

1. Cost – SSD cost $1.20 – $2.00 per GB while $.05 – $0.10 per GB for HDD.
2. Capacity – typically 512 GB or less while the HDD is 2-3TB

Decline in 50% cost for SSD is the trend in upcoming 2 years and capacity will double at the same rate. With this emerging technology in storage device, only time will tell when there is no need for HDD.

With the advantages of SSD, Do HDD technology be phase out in 5 years?

Advantages of acquisition of Hitachi by Western Digital:

1. Western Digital will create a market share of 50% in HDD sales and will bring the best team up ever in storage devices.
2. Enhanced Research and Development.
3. Lower cost and High capacity SSD.

In 5 years time, SSD will dominate the market of storage device.
