Tips and Tricks to make a Virus Free Computer for Every Season

AVG Antivirus Free 2012
Have you tried to reformat your computer due to viruses, malware, trojans or any exploits in your system? Reformatting is the last option you can make and it’s tiresome. It’s easy to install new windows operating system, drivers and other applications you needed or to retain the same setup of your computer before.

New Breed of Computer Viruses:

New breed of computer viruses, spywares, and malwares can easily attack or get into our computer system today. This malicious software are intelligent that they can be activated without users intervention once they are IN on your computer system.

Once your Computer is Infected,

1. They can install keylogger and hack your username and passwords to your money making online sites.
2. They can remotely watch you with everything you do and slow down your system resources.
3. They can upload/download files from your computer to stole information or any important applications you have.
4. They can use your computer for illegal activity such as DDOS attack and turn your system into SPAM distributing center.

With thousands of viruses,spywares, malwares and trojans lurking on any website, we cannot take for granted our security and privacy to the hands of these malicious writers.

Advance System Care V4.1
Ways for a Virus Free Computer System:

1. Install Anti-Virus. Updated anti-virus is the best protection you can get and there are free anti-virus on the net.
2. Install Computer System Tune up. This includes spyware removal, fix your registry, diagnose your computer system and optimization and utilities for start up settings, internet booster, game booster and many other tools.

Windows Startup Manager
3. Last but not the least important, know your computer. What is running during startup, what files and programs do you have in your system ( any new application or files is a virus, malware or spyware). Educate and read about latest viruses and security treat. Being aware to this malicious codes and writers are the best defenses.

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7 Ways to make your Computer Virus Free with IOBIT Malware Fighter and AVG  2012 AntiVirus Protection
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