How Solar Bottle Bulbs Works and A Liter of Light Campaign 2012

How Solar Bottle Bulb Works

Necessity is the mother of inventions. With electrical shortage and increasing cost of electricity, the solar bottle bulb technology was born in Brazil invented by Alfredo Poser in 2002, a mechanic worker looking for a way for a substitute to electricity light using bottles of water.

This simple idea, a solution to energy crisis took many years before it was realized, implemented and spread to the world and at last, it's here in the Philippines. A Liter of Light (Isang Litrong Liwanag), proposes an alternative solution for household electricity dependence and open flame fire hazards using the natural source of light - The Sun.

The lightning project will use the solar bottle bulbs made from recyclables 1.5 Liter PET bottles, filtered water, chlorine and salt. This will cost approximately P50 to make 1 piece and will save at least P500 monthly in your electric bill. It will also save our planet earth from global warming, preventing climate change.

One solar bulb would save 17 kg of carbon dioxide in a year. Imagine a millions solar bottles installed in household throughout our country and the whole world.

A Solar Bottle Bulb Works by Light Refraction equivalent to 60 watts electric bulb

A Liter of Light is the latest project venture by MyShelter Foundation established by Illac Diaz to create a system of sustainability and reliability through its capability building and employment generating projects. The project aims to light a millions homes in dis-privileged communities nationwide in 2012.

A Liter of Light - Light a Million Homes in 2012

Philippines Guinness World Record for Most Solar Bulbs installed in a day

Last Nov 30,  11,300 solar bulbs was installed by Rotary Club District 3380 and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in low income communities in Metro Manila to break world record for the the most installed solar bulb in 1 day set by Brazil which is 3000. Continuing for the project, 100,000 will be installed in Cebu this December and another 107, 000 solar bulbs early next year which marks 107th anniversary of Rotary Club District.

How to Make a Solar Bottle Bulb

To make a Solar Bottle Bulb, you need a 1.5 Liter PET bottles, flat or corrugated metal roof, filtered water, chlorine, salt and sealant. This simple lighting technology is very easy to make. Just follow the simple steps below.

Metal Roof
1. Cut a circular Hole in the metal roof, approximately less than the diameter of your 1.5 Liter Soda bottle. Make a small strips perpendicular to the hole for a better grip of sealant and the container.

Metal Roof with Bottle

2. Insert the 1.5L soda bottle to the metal roof up to 1/3 of  its body and apply sealant around the metal strips. Let it dry.

Bottle Filled with filtered Water
3. Filled with filtered water. Water should be free from contamination to be able to refract light perfectly. Put chlorine to resist the growth of algae, moss or any microorganisms.

Solar Bottle Bulb Installation on the Roof
4. Installed in your roof. Apply sealant for waterproofing.

How Solar Bottle Bulb Works?

Solar Bottle Bulb works by refraction of light rays because of different medium, air and water. By refracting light from the sun, it produces light 360 degrees around the room with equivalent light power of 60 watts bulb. It will last for 5 years without maintenance and before the water has to be changed. The chlorine prevent the growth of microorganism and maintain the clarity of the water.

Let us support A Liter of Light project for lighting a million homes and spread the news.

Isang Litrong Liwanag
How to make a Solar Bottle Bulb
Solar Bottle Bulb Inventor
