SEO Blogging Guide - Improve your Blog Traffic in Google Search Engine Results

Google Search Engine Optimization Blogging Guide

Google is the top Search Engine and handles majority of search queries in the Web today. Search Engines are the gatekeepers of cyberspace. They direct you towards relevant contents and information you need to know in your search keywords, query or topics you are interested in.

Making tweaks, improvement or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to your blog will definitely make an impact and increase performance in Google Search Engine results. Google algorithm uses over 200 factors to determine if your page will appear in search results and until now it's still a secret formula.

Follow this simple ways to Improve your Blog Search Engine Optimization

1. Google Crawler - Effective robot.txt file

Robot.txt file tells the search engine if your blog is crawled or not. By using effective robot.txt, your page can appear or not appear to search results. Adding "NOINDEX" in robots meta tag is another way to prevent your blog appearing in search for sensitive or confidential pages of your site.

2. Content - Quality Content and Images

Write fresh, unique and quality content in your blog. Check for wrong spellings and many grammatical mistakes before posting your content. Be sure your content is not copied or duplicate. Make content primarily for your visitors and not for search engine. You can try to experiment in your blog by writing 100 articles of your interest (which is my goal) and observe if what topic or keywords will drive traffic in your blog.

In addition, optimize the use of your images in your blog. Use JPEG format to have smaller sizes of pictures for faster page loading and use descriptive filenames for images. Use text links rather than image links.

Google Webmaster Tools for Blog Analysis

3. Site Structure - Title Page, Blog URL and Navigation

Make a short, unique and descriptive title page for your content. Your title page is also being used as URL and filename of the page. Page URL may take up approximately 37 characters of your title. Title page appears first in the search result so, be sure that is short and informative. Google will only show a portion of title page of your blog if it is too long (approximately 74 characters). Also blog URL is also displayed in search results aside from Title Page.

Make your site easier to navigate and easily reachable by your users. Don’t forget to use descriptive anchor text links either linking internal in your own page or external. Anchor text is the clickable links that the users see in your page.

4. Promoting your Blog

Promote your blog in a right way.  Avoid spamming links from all kinds of blogs and buying links to gain high pagerank. Promote with good and quality content so that users will discover and recognize your blog and gradually they will link to you. Social Networking sites is also a good place to promote your blog. Users re-post and re-tweeted good contents in your blog.

5. Use Webmaster Tools

Monitor your blog performance through the Google Webmaster Tools and it's free. Determines what top searches keywords drive traffic into your blog. Analyze direct and organic search traffic, determine individual page bounce rate and over all demographics of your blog. You can use the Google Analytics for high level analysis and you can start your improvement from this data.

Either were beginner or experienced blogger, improving your blog is a never ending process for constantly changing world wide web and we should not stop experimenting.

Google Webmasters

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