YouTube Digital Story of Nativity and Let it Snow Christmas 2011

YouTube Digital Story of Nativity 

The Story of Annunciation and Nativity comes alive with the advancement of technology on social media. With Email, Facebook, Twitter, Google Search and Maps, Archangel Gabriel sent a message to Mary that she will be going to give birth to a Son of God. This is the Annunciation to blessed Virgin Mary using a mobile phone.

Holy Mary informed Joseph- the carpenter through email that she will be pregnant and they need to talk. Google Maps serve as the tool for Nazareth to Bethlehem route and the Internet for renting means of transportation, the Donkey. With the use of mobile Twitter, Hotel reservation and check in is possible and just a click away.  Going to Bethlehem from Nazareth is 110km trip and with Mary on Donkey and other supplies it took many weeks and Joseph updated his Facebook status frequently until Baby Jesus was born.

The travel of three Magi, Melchior, Gaspar and Balthasar was contacted through social networking sites and gifts was bought thru Amazon. As time changes, technology advances and social media evolves in time, Christmas can be told in many other ways, in different ways, in many kinds of technology. It is a new beginning, a new hope, the message that a child was born to save the world will remain the same yesterday and today.

Google Search Let it Snow Christmas

Google Search Let it Snow

The number 1 Google search engine makes our Christmas a little special. By typing "Let it Snow" in the search box, you can experience an amazing snowy Christmas result pages. You should try it now, Christmas days are running out. You can also try Hanukkah, Santa Claus and Christmas Lights.
