How to PASS the PRC ECE Board Exam on your FIRST TAKE?

How to PASS the PRC ECE Board Exam on your FIRST TAKE?

I pass the PRC ECE (Electronics and Communications Engineering) Board Exam with 80% self review on my FIRST TAKE.

I wrote this article to share to you for those who are willing to PASS the ECE board exam either on your first, second or third take.

 I want to share with you how I do it, the technique and strategy I used and how much effort and time I invest on it.

PRC ECE board exam is composed of:

1. Multiple choice questions (4 or 5 choices) and what comes in my mind? Pick one answer and you have a minimum of 25% or 20%  chance to get a correct answer, right?

2. 4 subjects ( Math, Electronics, ESAT and GEAS). During my time it's only Math, Electronics and Communication. Don't take for granted one subject because every subject is vital and important.

3. National Passing rate range at most at 50%, it means you have 1/2 chance to fail.

How to PASS the PRC ECE Board Exam on your FIRST TAKE?

Passing the ECE Board Exam depends on your:

1. Plan
2. Materials and Resources
3. Study and Exam Techniques
4. Time
5. Luck
6. Prayers


Do you want to pass the ECE board exam on first take? or you want to land on TOP 10 or TOP 20? So you have to decide and make it a goal. Better plan it ahead of time than everyone else.


You need reading material, books, questionnaires and ECE review online materials are very helpful. You also need financial resources. Start collecting books and materials related to exam coverage. You can borrow books and reading materials to your classmates, friends or to your older brothers and sisters who took same course with you.

PRC ECE Board Exam Using Dale Cone of Experience Technique



Before I start the review process, I accidentally found an article about Study technique SQ3R - Survey, Question, Read Recite and Review. I used this technique during my review and pass it on to my sisters who took PRC LET Board Exam and what can I tell you? They also pass and it's very effective.


I took a regular review on one of many ECE review center in Sampaloc, Manila and it really helps, the materials, the motivation and the new trends happening on the ECE board exam. I don't take the refresher class on any review center.


Like what I said, ECE board exam is multiple choice, so you have 75-80% ( chance of choosing the wrong answer), pretty high huh? In addition, national passing rate ranges from 20-50% so you have a 1/5 to 1/2 chance of passing. So, we have a high chance of failing than passing but how do we avoid that?

ECE comprises of 4 subjects with different weights, Math - 20% , GEAS - 20%, Electronics - 30% and ESAT - 30%. One technique is devoting more review time to Electronics and ESAT rather than Math and GEAS. 20% difference is really a high advantage and will definitely pull up your average grade.

Here is my ECE Study Guides and Exam Techniques:

How to PASS PRC ECE Board Exam using SQ3R Method
PASS the PRC ECE (Electronics Engineer) Board Exam in 40 days
PRC Approved Calculators for ECE - Casio FX-991ES Specs and Review
ECE/Electronics Board Exam Sample Questions - Review and Analysis
5 Reasons Why PRC ECE Board Examiners Failed the Board Exam


You want a full time review or a part time review due to your work? PRC ECE Board exam is scheduled April and October of the year. After you graduated at college, you have a 6-5 months review time before the scheduled exam. 4 months is just a right time but 6 months review will give you an edge.


Do you believe in LUCK? What is the chance that what have you read and review will appear on the board exam? The best thing to do is read as much as you can and do the read, recite and review technique and your luck will increase.


Don't to forget to pray to god that He will give you knowledge, wisdom and strength you needed in time of review and exam.

This is just the beginning, good luck and study hard! Hope it helps.
