How to PASS the PRC ECE Board Exam using SQ3R Study Method

PRC ECE (Electronics Engineer) Board Exam - Review Materials

You graduated from college and your next step is taking the PRC ECE (Electronics Engineer) Board Licensure Exam and your aim is to pass it on the FIRST TAKE but how should you do it? Here's how.

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I will share with you my actual study techniques I did during my review.  This will not be applicable to all because we are all a different person with different lifestyle and moods and you should find the right ONE for you. On the average, you have 4-6 months to prepare for the exam and it's really a long long way to go and the forgetting process will take effect instantly. Some will have a less time reviewing due to work or for some personal reasons.

ECE Board Exam Study Techniques:

1. Time of Study
2. Place of Study
3. The SQ3R Study Method

1. Time of Study

Are you a morning, afternoon or evening person? Do you wake up late in the morning, are you taking a nap during afternoon or do you sleep late? Find your best time of study that you will become productive. I started to review at 8am and ends at 10pm. If your attending review at any review center be sure not to miss any single sessions and topics. When self reviewing, I suggest the time of study below:

Sample of Self Review Schedule:


8 - 9:45 AM - MATH
10 - 11:45AM - GEAS


5 - 6:45PM - ESAT



Study time is 1HR and 45min to prevent reading fatigue. Don't forget to take a 15 minutes break and subjects should be alternating. I suggest that you make your own schedule of all the topics included in the exam. More time should be given to Electronics and ESAT subjects because of their 30% weight. 

Note: If you are reviewing for a 4 months period, leave a 40 days schedule for Question Study Technique. Be sure that in 3 months period, all topics included in the PRC ECE board exam are covered.

PRC ECE Exam Review - Value of Recitation while Reading

2. Place of Study

There are many places to study, it can be on review center or your work , on library or inside your house which can be on bedroom or living room. What place best works depends on you. I suggest a quiet place and very minimal distractions. Put your study table at the wall rather than near television or windows.

3. Using the SQ3R Study Method

SQ3R is short for Survey, Questions and the 3R, Read Recite and Review. It is a reading method to learn more effectively so that you can save time and effort. I applied SQ3R when studying Electronics and Communications subjects. How about the Math?

a. Survey - Survey or scan the reading materials you will be using like the table of contents, introduction, title headings of each chapters, pictures and images, the summary or conclusion and the questions at the back. I think 30 minutes is enough to survey 1 book.

b. Questions - Ask questions about the subject or topic you are reading ( for example: your are reading Electronics book), ask yourself what is electronics? What do you remember about electronics during your college days? Think as many question while scanning the pages or chapters of the book and write it down. Most probably it will take you 30 minutes to do this.

c. Read - Before reading answer first the questions you take down notes. Electronics and Communications books have a set of questions at the end of the chapters and you should answer this first before going any further. After answering the questions read carefully every topic and sections. Reread parts which are not clear. Study the graphs and pictures on the book or reading materials.

d. Recite - While reading, recite the passages your up to. The more senses you are using, the more likely you are to remember what you read. So it's read and recite, it's seeing, saying and hearing. It's 3 senses working together.

e. Write - During my review, I added one technique - "WRITING". So while reading, prepare a notebook and write after reciting. It's 4 senses working altogether. Take down notes important things such as formulas and the one you need to memorized. You can write it on index card or manila paper.

f. Review - When is the right time to review? After reading, reciting and writing, review is an on going process. After each chapters or topics, page through into your notebook to re-acquaint yourself with the important points and orally recite them. Use the index cards and manila paper to memorized formulas. Periodically review each chapters and what you have written within the 3 months period.

Study and Learning Techniques
SQ3R Study Method
Read Recite Review
