How to Protect and Avoid your Facebook from Malwares, Scams and Hijacks this 2012

Safego Facebook App that protects you from Malwares, Scams and Hijacks

You open your Facebook account and you see a notification message that say’s that “you are now an Administrator page of one Facebook FanPage” and you are invited to test a newly launch GADGET asking your:

1. E-mail address
2. Shipping address

What will be your next step to do? Do you want to give to them your private information?

You should better think twice because with nearly a Billion people using Facebook and with the rising cases of socially engineered attacks, you should protect yourself from Facebook malicious attacker.

Ways how your Facebook Account can be Scammed or Hijack

1. Java Script Scams – Some apps tricked you that you copy/paste javascript but ends up spreading bad links on you wall and your friend’s wall.

2. Phishing through Fake Log in – a method of acquiring usernames and passwords by using Fake copy of Facebook Login Page.

3. Malware – a link in your Facebook that shows a video then asking you to download a new version of “Flash Player” because you are using outdated version. The download places a Trojan on your computer.


a. Likejacking – you clicked a link showing Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez scandal and end up you like that link without really liking it. Your friends can see it in your wall.

b. Tagjacking – you clicked a link photos and it added into your gallery and all of your friends are tagged automatically.

c. Eventjacking – a scam that creates a fake event like “Batch 2000 High School Reunion” with a bad link to phishing pages.

d. Session Hijacking – this happens on unsecured and untrusted network browsing.

Turn ON you Facebook Secure Browsing using HTTPS

How to Protect and avoid your Facebook account from Malwares, Scams and Hijacks

1. Strong Password – Do not use same passwords for your Facebook, twitter, yahoo, gmail and the like. Do not store you passwords in your browser or mobile. Use at least 12 character password.

2. Clear cookies after logging OUT – Facebook traces or track you activities after you log out. It is also discovered that Facebook can trace your browsing activity from any website that integrates the like button. Use private browsing features in browser Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. You can also use Ccleaner application to delete cookies.

3. Use Secure Connection – Turn ON secure connection in browsing Facebook, ex. type “" with prefix "https" in the URL.

4. Log in Notification – Enable all Log in notifications to receive e-mail or SMS every time someone log in into your account

5. Select Published Content – select your information and photos that you want to share and published because it is difficult to erase and control content already on the cloud. You can also edit your privacy settings so that you can control who can see you information ex. email address.

6. Use of Facebook Security Apps like Safego - BitDefender develop Safego to protect you from Malwares, Scams, Spams, Hijacks and other online threats while using Facebook.

Facebook Whitepaper: BitDefender

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