Android OS Mobile Malware Up by 3x this 2012

14,903 Malware Threats targeting Android Operating System in Q2

Are computer virus hacker turning into Mobile malware writing? According to Kaspersky Lab analysis of mobile threats, more than 14, 903 new malicious Android OS threats are added in their database for the past 3 months which is 3x up or higher compared to Q1 of 2012 and it's now getting more complex and hard to analyze.

Development of black market, unofficial online APP stores and affiliate programs are main distribution channel. So, beware and be aware when downloading FREE android applications.

Android OS Types of Malware Distribution  for Q2 2012

Types of Android OS Malwares

49% - Multi-functional Trojan: Steals data like email address, phone numbers, contact names and capable of downloading additional modules from servers run by malicious users.

24% - SMS Trojan: Steals money from victims account unnoticeable.

18% - Backdoors: Gives the malicious users to control victims phone and build botnets

2% - Trojan SPY: Hack your valuable data to access your bank accounts. This is the most dangerous type of mobile malware so far.

With increasing trend of Android OS malware's it's better to protect your sensitive accounts all the time, it is also advised to download applications from trusted site and APP stores and install mobile antivirus software for security.

Kaspersky Threat Evolution

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