What to BRING and WEAR on ECE/Electronics Engineer Examination Day?

What to Bring on the DAY of ECE/Electronics Engineer Board Exam  

After you apply for ECE/Electronics Engineer Board exam at PRC and undergone months of review, finally you are now ready to take the board exam with utmost confidence.

Although it's hard to accept that the average trend of National passing percentage for the last 5 ECE board exam is only 38%. It means that for every 100 examiners only 38 of them pass. Why 38% only, is that a very low passing rate?

Actually ECE or Electronics Engineer Board exam is hard. Multiple Choice Question type of exam is knowledge base assessment. It's means the more you know about the subject, the more you can memorize facts and formulas, the more you understand about laws, principles and circuits you have a higher chance of passing.

But the day has come that you have to trust yourself and I know "YOU CAN DO IT".

What you should Prepare and Bring on the day of ECE Exam?

1. Notice of Admission (NOA)
2. Applicant's Stub
3. PRC Official Receipt (PRC OR)
4. Two pencil (no. 2) and pencil sharpener
5. Two Black Ink BALLPEN
6. PRC Approved Calculator
7. One Piece metered stamp Window Envelope
8. One Piece Long brown Envelope
9. Bottle of water, snacks like biscuits and lunch that will fit your plastic envelope.
10. One piece Non-Colored Plastic Envelope - To keep all the items above.
11. Cell phones and Electronic Gadgets are strictly prohibited.

I advised that you visit the place of school assignment 1 day before your board exam schedule. I did this during my board exam because I am unfamiliar with the school location and off course for you to be able to familiarize the traffic and to come ahead of exam schedule which is 6:30 am.

Remember late examiners are not admitted. Also, being early will lessen nervousness and cramming.

What you should Wear during Examination?

MALE - school uniform, white polo shirt or T-shirt (tucked in)
FEMALE - school uniform, white blouse or T-shirt


PRC Examination Preparation
PRC Room Assignments

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