Google Search Turns 14 - History and Timeline

Google Search Design from year 1998 to Simple and Much Faster Search Engine to Date

Today marks Google Search 14th birthday, the birth of google marks the era of fast internet search.

Google Search Engine History and Timeline:

1996 - Began as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The search engine uses the original Stanford website with a domain

1997 - Registered the domain on September 15, 1997

1998 - Andy Bechtolsheim was the first investor investing $100,000 in August 1998 to an entity that doesn't exist. Incorporated their company Google Inc. in September 4, 1998.

Already index 60 million pages and performance is better with other search engine competitors such as Hotbot,, Yahoo, Lycos, AOL and MSN. Hired Craig Silverstein as the first employee, a Computer Science graduate from Stanford.

1999 - The company moved to Pato Alto in California with 8 employees, the home of other noted Silicon Valley technology startups. The company leased a complex of buildings in Mountain View and later called it Googleplex - a number that is equal to 1 followed by googol of zeros. Googol is equal to 10100

2000 - Due to simple design, Google loyal internet followers are growing and began selling advertisements associated with keywords. The ads were text based to maximized page loading speed.

2001 - Acquired Usenet Discussion Service in February. Hired Eric Schmidt as first CEO of the company in March. Google became available in 26 languages. First International office was launched in Tokyo, Japan.

Image Search was also launched this year and search index was grow to 3 billion documents.

2002 - Announced partnership with AOL to offer Google search and and Sponsored Links. Released AdWords new cost-per-click pricing and Google Labs to let users try beta technologies from Google R&D team.

2003 - A possible merging of Google and Microsoft but didn't materialize. at the same year, it acquired Pyra Labs, the company that created Blogger. Launched Google AdSense enabling small and large publishers to access vast networks of Google advertisers in March 3, 2003.

2004 - Google's IPO (Initial public offering) took place on August 25, 2004. A total of 19,605,052 were offered at a price of $85 per share. The sale raised $1.67 Billion and gave the company a market capitalization of $23 Billion. The company is listed on NASDAQ stock exchange with ticker symbol

Launches Gmail (by invitation only) on April Fool's Day on April 1 and Official Google Blog goes live on April 19, 2004.

2005 - Google Maps goes live in February 8, 2005. On June 7, 2005, Google was valued at $52 Billion making one of the world's biggest media companies by stock market value.

On June 28,  Google Earth was unveiled and Google Analytics on November 14.

The company build partnership with NASA, Time Warner's AOL and Sun Microsystem. Competition brought rivalry between Microsoft and Google and reach a settlement out of court on December 22, 2005.

2006 - Bought the SGI property were Googleplex is located for $319 Million. Purchased radio advertising dMarcUpstartle - online collaborative word processor, YouTube - popular online video site and JotSpot - web based business software. Google was added to Standard and Poor 500 index (S&P 500) on March 31, 2006.

The verb google was listed on Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary and Oxford English Dictionary which means " to use google search engine to obtain information on the internet".

Picasa was introduced in 25 languages including Polish, Thai and Vietnamese and Google Custom Search giving bloggers and website owners to create a search engined tailored to their own interest.

2007 - Acquired several companies such as Gapminder's Trendlyzer - free statistics in new visual and animated ways, Adscape Media - in game advertising company and PeakStream Technologies.

2008 - Google Acquired DoubleClick. Google Chrome browser became available on September 2, 2008. T-Mobile announces G1 - the first phone built on Android Operating System.

Google Index reaches 1 trillion unique URL's on it's 10th year birthday.

2009 - Google became No.7 on the " Top Words of the Decade List" by Global Language Monitor (GLM). GLM analyzes and tracks trends in language usage worldwide. Partnership with Pontifical Council for Social Communications allowing the Pope to have his own channel on YouTube.

Google join in Twitter on February 25, 2009.

2012 - Acquired Motorola Mobility for $12.5 Billion.

Wikipedia Google
Google Timeline

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