Avast! FREE AV v7.0.1474 causing Pop up! Trojan Horse BLOCKED

Avast! FREE Antivirus update from ver 7.0.1466 to ver 7.0.1474 causing pop up of  Trojan Horse Blocked 

A few hours ago my Avast! FREE Antivirus was updated to latest version 7.0.1474 dubbed as "Halloween Edition" and suddenly Web Shield starts to pop up Trojan Horse blocked everytime I visit a website.

I stop my internet and run a FULL scan and some threats are found specifically JS:ScriftIP-inf. Some files are infected and I moved it to virus vault.

I run again a scan on specific folder where I found the threat and infected files rose to 100 more, some are error and the same Trojan avast found a while ago. I moved it again to virus vault.

Pop Up Trojan Horse Blocked - A False Positive?

While scanning, I came to think that is this a false positive? So I search the internet but avast Web shield keeps on blocking websites even avast forum and other legit sites I usually visit.

I found the Facebook page of Avast and there are others with the same problem with me.

As of now, I'm running on my hardisk second partition with other antivirus installed and surfing the web is normal.

I hope avast tech people will find a solution to the problem and meanwhile I'm searching for possible temporary solution to fix the problem like uninstalling avast and re-installing it.

Please share your thoughts.

Updates: (10.16.2012) I update my Avast! virus definition and the problem is fixed.

Avast Facebook

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