Phil Navy to Acquire 2 Anti-Sub MAESTRALE Frigate in 2013

The Future Philippine Navy Anti-Submarine Frigate - Maestrale of Italy

PNOY's largest and most comprehensive AFP upgrade program in history includes 50 new aircraft's and frigate ships including 2 Italian Maestrale-class frigate costing P11.7 billion.

The 2 Maestrale frigate ships will arrive in our country in November 2013 once it's funding and contracts are approved.

Maestrale is a class of frigate in Italian Navy and primarily designed for anti-submarine warfare. The ship are versatile and also capable of anti-air and anti-surface operations.

The first ship entered in service in 1982 and scheduled to be replace by Rinascimento class starting 2011.

MAESTRALE Class Armaments and Electronic System

Name: Maestrale Class
Type: Frigate
Displacement: 3,100 Tons
Length: 122.7 meter
Propulsion: 2x GE/Avio General Electric 2500 Gas Turbines
2x D Grandi Motori Traieste BL-230-20-DVM Diesel
Speed: 33 Knots on gas turbine, 21 knots on diesel
Range: 6,000 nmi at 15 knots
Mk-2 Anti-ship missile launchers
Aspide SAM launchers
127 mm gun
533 mm Torpedo tubes
324 triple torpedo tubes
Electronic Systems:
Radar Air and Surface RAN10S
Navigation and Surface Search SPN703
RTN-10X for gun and Aspide control
RTN-20X for DARDO systems
VDS DE 1164 sonar for submarine search
Aircraft: 2 AB-212 helicopters

Maestrale is upgraded version of Lupu class, it's bigger, heavier and slower but still capable of 33 knots. It has superstructure made with light alloys, with one large turret and one funnel.

The ship carry Otobreda 127mm gun capable of shooting 40 rounds per minute and with Albatross missile system, it is capable of firing Sea Sparrow or Aspide missile.

The two CIWS DARDO protect the ship from incoming anti-ship missiles. The ship carries four OTOMAT anti-ship missiles capable of striking target 160km away or more. Lastly, there are four torpedo launchers for anti-submarine capabilities.

Maestrale frigate is more lethal and strong than Philippine Navy's BRP Gregorio del Pilar and it will help our country protect and defend our territorials waters with other 50 new upcoming aircraft such as, 12 KAI/TA-50 Lead in Fighter/Trainer aircraft, 6 Super Tucanos, 12 attack helicopters and 4 anti submarine naval helicopters

Once the contract is approved, it will undergo refurbishing for nine months.

Philippine News Agency
Wikipedia Maestrale
Italian Maestrale Video

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