Facebook Introduces Graph Search - Now on Beta

The Latest Pillar of Facebook - The Graph Search

If you search on Google, you can find places, websites, pictures and almost anything what you are looking for and recently Facebook introduces Graph search. It helps you to find people, places, things and explore Facebook in a whole new way.

Facebook Graph Search Features

With Graph Search, you can look up anything shared with you on Facebook and each persons sees unique results.

1. You can find people based on things they shared with you including interest and profile info.

2. You can find photos you and your friends have posted or been tagged in.

3. Discover things like restaurants and music through your friends and connections.

4. You'll see results for friends who share their city with you, people whose city is set to public and suggested results based on info shared with you.

5. You can also search photos even hidden from timeline.

6. You can set Graph Search privacy to determine what is searchable in your info and photos.

7. Graph Search is available on Beta for US audiences first but you can join the waiting list.

News feed and Timeline are pillars of Facebook and the latest is Graph Search. It will make our life easier, faster and the world much more smaller.

Facebook Graph Search

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