Install a SmartCloud Control Desk demo system on Linux RedHat

In this post I will describe all the main steps required to install an IBM SCCD demo system on a Linux RedHat 5.7 x64 machine. All the Maximo components will be installed on the same OS for simplicity.
NOTE: Please check supported versions of Linux for server and admin workstation in TPAE Product Configuration Matrix.

Operating System installation

First of all I have created a new VM on my VMware ESX server. I have allocated 5 GB of RAM and 50 GB of disk space. The I have mounted the ISO image of the RHEL DVD and selected 'Connect at power on'. Here is how the VM properties should look like.

Starting the VM you will see the standard RHEL setup. I kept almost all the default options. Be sure to install the Development Libraries to ensure to meet the installation prerequisites. I also selected the following configuration for simplicity:

  • Disable Firewall
  • Disable SELinux
  • Do not create a user account

When the OS is ready you should install VMware tools.

Maximo Installation

Now you are ready toinstall Maximo. Copy and extract Maximo installation images.
Before launching Maximo installation you have to change the ulimit as follows:

ulimit -f unlimited
ulimit -n 8192

I choose to perform the middleware installation first. In the components selection panel be sure to select ONLY the following components:
  • Database Server
  • J2EE Server
Accept default values and launch installation.
When the middleware installation finished I have installed Maximo with the following changes to the default options:
  • Automate database creation and configuration
  • Automate WebSphere configuration
  • Use Maximo internal authentication
  • Enable TADDM configuration (unchecked)
  • Deploy data integration and context menu services into the same database...

How to start the server

If you reboot the system, you have to manually start all the services in the correct sequence. Here are some useful commands.

Start DB2
su - ctginst1

Start HTTP Server
/opt/ibm/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl start

Start WAS

Start Maximo
The WebSphere console can be accessed with an address like this: http://[HOSTNAME]:9060/ibm/console
