Checkpoints for fixpack and addon installation

Many customers I work with use a procedure like this one to clone Maximo environments between production, test and development environments. When you use such techniques, you may quickly screw up some settings used during installation of Maximo fixpacks and upgrades.
Here are some important things to check before installing any release, fixpack or add-on.

Maximo properties
First of all check the famous file under [SMPDIR]\maximo\applications\maximo\properties folder.
The installation shouldn't use the settings stored in this file but it's worth checking.

Database properties
Many properties are stored in the MAXPROPVALUE table. You can use the System Properties application to view and edit them. Some of the properties that should be checked are:
  • mxe.db.schemaowner
  • mxe.hostname
  • mxe.workflow.admin
  • mxe.doclink.path01
Check also MAXVARS table.

Pending database updates
Check any pending database change in Database Configuration application or executing the following query:
SELECT count(*) FROM maxobjectcfg WHERE changed!='N';
If the result is empty than is OK.

Install properties
Installation properties are stored in [SMPDIR]\etc\
In particular, check database connection, WebSphere hosts and ports.

WAS Thin Client
The WebSphere thin client is used to connect to the WebSphere server and deploy the Maximo web application.
Open [SMPDIR]\wasclient\ThinWsadmin.bat file and check the hostname for wsadminHost property.

Backup everything!!!
Last but not least remember to backup the following things:
  1. Maximo database
  2. SMP directory
  3. Deployment Engine database (see this technote for details)
  4. Reports: [SMPDIR]\maximo\reports\birt\reports


Updating environment data.
