Installing pyrit on Windows (with cygwin)


If you are as unfortunate as I am and you need to use Windows (for some reason) to install pyrit, you will probably have a bad time. However! :) I figured out how to make it work, at least for CPU-based cracking. I used cygwin, but it should be possible with MinGW too.

GPU-based cracking will be a lot (and I mean A LOT) more difficult though. I have found a ticket on pyrit's webpage ([3] and also a Google Groups thread on [4]) that is not really promising, but I would like to try it later and see if it's really impossible to make it work with GPU acceleration.

Installation steps

So, here are the steps (based on [1] and [2]):

  1. Install cygwin from (download: or! Make sure that you install gcc, cc, openssl, svn!
  2. Download and unzip the Winpcap developer pack. By the time of this post, the most recent version was the following:
  3. Copy libraries like this:
    WpdPack\Lib\libpacket.a to cygwin\lib\
    WpdPack\Lib\libwpcap.a to cygwin\lib\
  4. Rename cygwin\lib\libwpcap.a to cygwin\lib\libpcap.a
  5. Copy all headers from WpdPack\Include to cygwin\usr\include\
  6. Make sure you have installed Winpcap libraries and that they are in your path by typing:
    which Packet.dll
    which wpcap.dll
    For me they are under /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/
  7. Download pyrit source (svn checkout pyrit)
  8. I think the next step is no longer needed (I took it from [1]): modify ./pyrit/cpyrit/ adding a reference to lib crypto (now, originaly it's: libraries = ['crypto', 'pcap'], so I have changed it to libraries = ['ssl', 'crypto', 'pcap'],)
  9. ./ build
  10. ./ install
  11. benchmark
    should give you something similar to this:

