iOS 7 VS iOS 6: Should You Upgrade to iOS 7?

Several days passed since iOS 7 released.  Have you ever experienced the surprise brings by iOS 7? What delightful surprises had you found in this new system? Actually, not all the new things could get the high opinion. In the following I will compare iOS 7 and iOS 6 in few points to see if we should upgrade our iPhone, iPad to iOS 7.

Icon Comparison
Looks like an AMOLED display, the icons in iOS 7 are very colorful. Based on the investigation on the people who have using iOS 7, most of them enjoy the new design although it need some time to get used to.
Here’s the part of infographic.  

Icon Comparison

Common Apps Comparison
This is an era of advocating simple, and you can see this change on iOS 7 apps. Simplification, refinement, and modernization but not lose the usefulness. Take Multitasking for example, it has been a drastic change from iOS 6 to iOS 7.

Common Apps Comparison

Home Comparison
The Home Screen is not satisfied to most people, no matter for a simple blurred bar at the bottom of the screen or lack of shadows under icons and text. All these mainly caused by the default wallpaper.
Home Comparison

All the comparisons above are mostly to be some apparent viewpoints. Only you use this by yourself, can you feel the real difference. Well, about whether we should update our iOS device to iOS 7, in my opinion, no matter the iOS 7 is better than iOS 6 or nothing difference between them, after obtaining the information above and you are interested in iOS 7, why not have a try?

Here are some reviews from iOS 7 users may help you make a final decision.

Tyler Allen said:
Apple is not stealing from Android! They are Stealing from the jailbreak community! Every new “feature” on iOS7 is really a “tweak” for iOS 6 from jail breakers! True apple did put a apple spin on it, but it’s taken from the jailbreak scene.
Jeremy Young said:
Honestly, I prefer some of the iOS7 icons and some of the previous generations. I am not super crazy about a lot of the decorative aspects of iOS7 but a lot of the features look promising. I will know how promising they actually are soon enough, I suppose.

Per-Ola Selander said:
iOS 6 hands down - as contrast is needed over "art" and "translucency" Some things just do not need to be changed...

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