The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy

96. Individuals with the ability to identify key issues and diagnose them by examining the basic factors of who, what, why, when, where, and how are demonstrating the self competency.


Individuals with the ability to identify key issues and diagnose them by examining the basic factors of who, what, why, when, where, and how are demonstrating the change competency.

NAT: AACSB Analytic | Strategy

97. The key KSAs of the change competency include seeking, gaining, sharing, and applying new knowledge in the pursuit of constant improvement, creativity, and entirely new approaches or goals.

AACSB Analytic | Strategy MSC: Comprehension

98. One of the change competency KSAs is providing leadership in the process of planned change. The approaches to change vary under different conditions.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: p. 23-25

AACSB Analytic | Strategy

99. New technologies are increasing the need for constant learning, adaptation, and innovation by individuals, groups and entire organizations, as, for example, through the Internet.

ANS: T  Technology | Creation of Value

100. In “Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy,” the authors propose a formula to represent the rapidly accelerating rate of technological and other changes. In the formula, speed is every aspect of how organizations operate and change in real time.

 AACSB Technology | Group Dynamics
