Why the fundamental attribution error seems to occur?

78. Under conditions of low consensus, low distinctiveness, and low consistency, the perceiver will tend to attribute the behavior of the perceived to internal causes.


Under conditions of low consensus, low distinctiveness, and high consistency, the perceiver will tend to attribute the behavior of the perceived to internal causes.

79. The fundamental attribution error occurs when observers underestimate the impact of situational or external causes of behavior and overestimate the impact of personal or internal causes.


80. A manager may be committing the fundamental attribution error if she simply assumes that a previously high performing worker did poorly on the most recent report because he had negative external circumstances beyond his control.


A manager may be committing the fundamental attribution error if she simply assumes that a previously high performing worker did poorly on the most recent report because he did not prepare enough (an internal reason).

81. A perceiver will tend to make an external attribution under conditions of high consistency, high distinctiveness, and high consensus.


82. Under conditions of high consensus, high consistency, and low distinctiveness, the perceiver will tend to attribute the behavior of the perceived to external causes.


Under conditions of high consensus, high consistency, and high distinctiveness, the perceiver will tend to attribute the behavior of the perceived to external causes.

83. As a result of cultural differences, in India, the fundamental attribution error seems to occur in a manner opposite to that of North America; that is, people tend to overestimate situational or external (rather than internal) causes for behavior.

