Comcast Renames Customer And Feels The Pain Of Bad Word Choice


In my ever growing quest to smear (like they need help) the name that is Comcast and hopefully be one of many straws that breaks Comcast, I present to you Mr. Ricardo Brown.
Ricardo Brown had to repeatedly insist that he did not in fact want to renew his Comcast subscription, but instead cancel it; he and his wife were having financial troubles. Then a funny-guy Comcast employee decided to make a joke of it and rename him in their system.

The Browns later received a bill from Comcast addressed to “Asshole Brown.” Lisa Brown attempted to contact Comcast, but was denied recompense. Comcast apologized only after the story spread across the Internet, offering the Browns a full refund for two years of service. In his apology, Senior Vice President of Customer Service Experience Charlie Herrin stated that the employee who made the change has since been fired. Herrin would also like the public to know that they respect their customers, and plan to implement a technical solution to such problems in the future.

Yeah. Right.
