HTC Mini is supposed to be abandoned by the manufacturer

The reason for the abandonment of the "mini" range at HTC is the fact that for the direction, a change occurred in the way of perceiving the smartphone in the consumer. The manufacturer is therefore considering the future of its range by 5 inches minimum without Mini range.The end of the "Mini" range at the manufacturers?
The President of the North Asian sector at HTC Jack Tong himself said in an interview with Focus Taiwan, for him, the consumer chooses not anything below a 5-inch display and therefore, the range "mini »more really have a reason for being. HTC should focus its efforts on larger smartphones from now. It is therefore very unlikely that we see a variant of the Mini One M9.
However, this does not exclude 100% because in another interview Jeff Gordon, head of communications for HTC reportedly said on the subject in Phone Scoop magazine: "the decision is not so definitive," and it latter did not confirm the end of the mini range. Hard to say if this is a technique to cover their tracks and finally release a product, or actually a fad passed and the manufacturer has adapted.
Especially qu'HTC is not the only manufacturer to have eased off in the Mini range. Samsung for example still has not revealed on a mini S6, same side from LG, who has not spoken a LG mini G4. The only recent mini smartphone of the moment is the Sony Xperia Mini Z3 (4.6 inches). This shows that the industry giants are not lining up to launch a mini telephone in their range.
