Samsung is developing Lithium Batteries with an almost doubled density

In a long and detailed technical paper, Samsung announced to have succeeded in developing a battery technology to virtually double the density of lithium-ion batteries. This new technology using graphene should increase the autonomy of smartphones in the future without turning them into huge bricks.

The autonomy of smartphones is one of the main arguments when choosing a terminal. Unfortunately, the autonomy of smartphones is rather deplorable compared to that of cell phones we could get there several years. This is particularly because of the density of Li-Ion batteries that has not increased dramatically since 1991 and its commercialization by Sony. In addition, the Li-Ion batteries have seen their double density, while smartphones are far more energy than cell phones on which it was possible to play Snake. But Samsung could well have the solution with a new developing technology.

The Korean giant uses silicon to the anode of the battery but the graphene covers to protect it from harmful effects of charges / discharges that are likely to cause damage and reduce the life span and the density and thus the autonomy. By using graphene on the anode and a cathode in lithium as the Li-ion batteries standard, Samsung announced that it reached a density of 972 Wh / L when the battery is new and 700 Wh / L once it has undergone 200 cycles. Which gives a density of at least 1.5 times higher than current lithium-ion batteries to the new state.

Samsung has not announced availability date for this new technology, but it should not be done for some years. As a reminder, Samsung count introduce batteries with a density of 750 Wh / L starting next year.
