Sony Xperia Z3 plus: an update to "regulate the temperature"

Sony has just put online a numbered 28.0.A.7.24 update for the Sony Xperia Z3 +. According to the Japanese manufacturer, this update is supposed to adjust temperature encountered problems with the terminal.
During our test of the Sony Xperia Z3 +, we found poor performance for a Snapdragon 810 compared to other terminals with the same SoC. After a test in Real Racing 3 by analyzing data with GameBench, it was clear that Sony had deliberately restrained the performance Snapdragon 810 through the Android governor that regulates the frequencies and voltages of CPU and graphics chip. During this test, the device temperature was also very high. Sony has just update the Xperia Z3 + with software version 28.0.A.7.24 who intended to "regulate the Xperia smartphone temperatures Z3 + to improve its ease of use". A vague formulation which left us fear the worst, as an even greater clamping frequency to reduce the temperature.
We then revived a 15 minute session of Real Racing 3 after putting the terminal in the fridge for several minutes. After analyzing data from GameBench, CPU / GPU couple saw its frequency collapse after 2 minutes against 1 minute on our initial test. This is better, but too poor for a high-end terminal. In terms of performance, so this is just as bad. At the heated, let our brothers equipped with specialized equipment to give their objective opinion. Subjectively, the Sony Xperia Z3 + stays warm when highly stressed. Software changes by Sony seem so small.

To read on the topic: Our test of the Sony Xperia Z3 +

In all cases, a Sony Xperia Z3 with its Snapdragon 801 will perform better. But the Xperia Z3 + retains some advantages such as stereo speakers and an improved front sensor for fans of selfies. We also plan to carry out a comparative picture between the two terminals to try to detect any changes that would have occurred on the software processing part.
