Meeting on unresolved issues-ERP Implementation Guide

Please note that all the meetings from the below schedule have been postponed till further notice. However, the item master discussions from today will rather carry on followed by Sub Inventory/ Locator / UOM / Item Categories / Lot statuses / Material statuses and so on. The venue will remain unchanged i.e. project room (1st floor IBD building) and we are expecting the same attendee from today’s meeting.

Further to our meeting with Finance team yesterday today’s meeting with Financial consultant is not required as of now.

Later if required finance team would let us know and then we can schedule call with Financial consultant.

Please note that a meeting has been scheduled tomorrow i.e. 9th January, 2013 (Wednesday) from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM BST at the 2nd floor conference room (HO) to discuss all the financial open issues. We look forward seeing you in the meeting. Thanks.

Dear Financial consultant,

We will hear you over telephone. Please provide us a telephone number for calling. If possible, please use Supply Chain consultant’s laptop for video conferencing.

Winter Greetings! Thank you in advance for loading the following FO/FLPs into the Costing Module of MIS. Your consistent support to us is always noteworthy.
