Review: JayBird X, End of Product Cycle

Whenever you decide to spend over $100 on a piece of technology two things always seem to come to mind, are they worth and and when will they inevitably break. We want to feel reassured that what we spent our hard earned money on was worth it, which is why we search the internet and YouTube for reviews on what the "experts" think about performance, design, and quality compared to the price. 

But what about the question of when will they break using the item on a daily basis without accidentally, intentionally or maliciously breaking your item? If you search the internet or YouTube for this question you will only be directed to those same reviews where the item was test for one or two weeks. Where are the reviews from those people or experts that had or still have the piece of tech for one or two years? Sadly since technology reviews are 99.99% about the latest and greatest, you will just have to hope and pray you spent your $100 wisely.

That is what this review of the JayBird X is all about. It's a review on a piece of technology I have lived with daily for about 2 years, even after a second iteration of the same model was introduced, only with updated internals, until it recently met it's untimely demise that was not from intentional or malicious use. This is my review of the JayBird X at the end of it's product life cycle.
