Rumor: Twitter wants to break its 140-character limit

New Twitter could become a new micro blog.

Love it or hate it, Twitter‘s 140-character limit is what gives the social network its unique style, but that may not be the case for long. A new report claims the company is cooking up a new feature that could let you post tweets beyond the traditional limit.

According to Re/code, the idea has been floating around for years, but started picking up momentum under interim CEO Jack Dorsey’s lead. The company is apparently considering a new product that would support longer posts on the social network. Another popular idea is to keep the same limit, but make it easier by not counting links and user handles as part of the allotted 140 characters.

Twitter’s already lifted the character limit altogether for direct messaging, but it’s unlikely it will do the same for its main product. Instead, the company could potentially add its own tools for sharing larger blocks of text as images, or even make it easier to publish a series of connected tweets with a single post. Of course, it’s also possible the entire project could be scrapped, especially if Dorsey ends up stepping down so a new CEO can take over permanently.
