Some critical moments with ERP Development Team

Training manual is not up to date.Deafulting the 34 charges of LC in the entry form.Explore shorter method to book the LC charges and attach PO.No transactional report yet available in the system as final output and prinout (saving time).Line level description for with holding tax and vat needs to be segregated to avoid confusion

  • Fixed Asset User Manual is NOT up to date
  • Asset numbering NOT in sequence
  • Post Mass Addition → Error Occurs every time
  • Create PO based assets
  • Copy asset to tax book → Why period is March/ April 2012?
  • Setup is NOT complete for other Legal Entities
  • Prepayment considering Withholding Tax making Problem. This tax calculation also consider based on cumulative(Addition Logic) payment actually it will deduct from Cumulative amount but logic not work proper.
  • Field Force Expenses Entry required huge time which is not acceptable
  • Promotional Expenses Entry --> In the line there has one context and there need to fill up Individual Product name, Product Code, PM ,DSM,RSM name . There has no location name and Business Name. we also require Flexifield along with concern list of Values. Apart from this Entry process is too long. Need to reduce it.
  • For Tax Payment through Exim Bank - Under Exim Bank do not exist the supplier Name against whom we made Tax Payment.
  • Bank Balance Position is not Showing
  • After applying patch → The withholding Tax calculation is NOT working properly. Note: It was fine before the applying the patch
  • PO matched invoice for FA (fixed asset accounting) NOT working properly. Instead of asset clearing account, it is showing inventory AP account
  • Ship to location for line level invoice for FA is missing crucial values. For example, Head Office.
