John Oliver wants to erase the "magic" of Trump's name by changing it to Drumpf with a Chrome extention

Oliver’s special way of combatting the Trump mystique—and the spell he’s cast on millions of misguided Americans—is, since the name “Trump” serves as the cornerstone of his brand, to separate the word from the man. And wouldn’t you know, but according to journalist Gwenda Blair’s book, The Trumps: Three Generations That Built An Empire, the name “Trump” was changed at one point from, yes, Drumpf. 

“Fucking Drumpf!” Oliver exclaimed. “Drumpf is much less magical. It’s the sound produced when a morbidly obese pigeon flies into the window of a foreclosed Old Navy. Drumpf. It’s the sound of a bottle of store-brand root beer falling off the shelf in a gas station minimart. And it may seem weird to bring up his ancestral name, but to quote Donald Trump, he “should be proud of his heritage”—back to that Stewart tweet—because Drumpf is much more reflective of who he actually is.”

He then pleaded with his audience—and America—to make #MakeDonaldDrumpfGreatAgain trend, and informed viewers that they’ve not only filed paperwork to trademark the name ‘Drumpf,’ but also purchased the domain, where visitors can download a Drumpfinator Google Chrome extension that will replace ‘Trump’ with ‘Drumpf’ wherever it appears in your browser, or purchase a ‘Make Donald Drumpf Again’ hat, which is being sold at cost.
