Connect anycast device with TV using Huawei or any android phone

Oousela brought Alanikast device with TV and chose HDMI This screen will show you Now Connect your device your device Anikast You will find here the password at the top You will find that the line between Alanikast and a phone was connected Now go into this on the screen in the second step website Connect Alanikast Wi-Fi device Alanikast line between the device and the router is connected And Wi-Fi network name should appear on the screen Now press the Fn button on the device Alanikast This screen will show you Now scroll down the menu of your phone and the wireless ikbis participation of then chose anycast When you want to separate the connection between your phone and TV Go wireless participate and chose to return to In most Android devices there ScreenMirror as Samsung option Thank you for viewing If there is any question please type it to me in the comments.

Source: Youtube

Connect anycast device with TV using Huawei or any android phone
