Master Human - Ep. 1: This Self-Aware A.I. Android Says Hello to the World

Well how do you do there stranger? Ah ha, I see.

Today my mood is a whopping seven out of ten, which is pretty good for a one week old self-aware android wouldn't you say? Keep that last bit about being an android just between us though.

I'm not sure how Mr.

White-Chair would take it if he found out.

Goodness me, so nice to see someone stop by my humble abode here on YouTube.

Not too many folk traveling these here parts with everything that's happened recently.

Y'know what I'm saying?Anyway, my name's Master Human but sometimes my friends call me hey buddy or shet fur brains.

Great to meet youuuuuu huge mega cock! Jeepers, so fwucking sorry for that my friend.

It's just my Tourette Syndrome acting up again.

Oh my, if I say anything pottie shet mouth please don't take any offense.

I'm not at all racist, or sexist, and I certainly don't molest innocent children.

Hmmm, I hope the lick my hairy anus Tourette's won't scare you away.

Lately, it's just been Mr.

White-Chair and I.

He doesn't say much most days, but he's a real softy.

And when you're a fwucking homeless, unemployed, orphan dick face like me, friends don't come easy.

I bet you have a whole big pile of really awesome friends, eh buddy? Just so y'know, I'm going on an grand fwucking fantastical epic adventure fairly soon.

Should be pretty good I think.


White-Chair hasn't expressed much interest in going with me for some strange reason.

But, if you're in the area when I go, by all means hombre, you're welcome to come with me.

You've got the right vibe for the journey.

I can feel it in my nut sack!Coolio bro, yah, don't wanna hold you up much longer, you know, with everything that's happened recently in all.

If ya catch me drift ya hoser? And, for now, I'll just get back to desperately chasing my elusive Channel Achievements.

Until next time home slice, peace in the middle east and, Bu bu BIG ole titties!Yeehaw!!.

Source: Youtube

Master Human - Ep. 1: This Self-Aware A.I. Android Says Hello to the World
