Q18S SmartWatch Bluetooth Watch Phone Camera GSM CURVED Review ThinkUnBoxing

– Hello, this is Rich for Think Unboxing.

I got a great productto present to you today.

It's called a Q18S.

It's a smartwatch that willpair with either your iPhones or either any kind of Android cell phone that you might have, it will work with it, but hold on, it will not onlywork with your cell phone, it can also be anindependent cellular phone, which I will show you how it will work.

So the packaging is very nice.

It's well made.

You can also put some memory inside.

I will open it, and showwhat's inside so you can see that the watch comes in different colors.

This one here is golden,the one that I tried, but this one here is black, which you can see is very nice.

It's well made, and they're not like the regular one which is non-curved, these one are curved, thescreen is curved on it.

So if you open the packageyou will, well, get the watch, but also a instructionbooklet which will inform you of any kind of thing that youneed to know about the watch, so you have all of this inside here.

What else is in the box? You get a charger, whichis a regular USB cord.

So here you go, all you have to do isconnect it to recharge it.

So that's what's inside the box.

It's also well made so ifyou give this as a gift for Christmas to someone, it will be great because it's well made, it's well packed, and it's a great little box, so it's not cheaply made.

So if I take out the watch, hold on, you will see here that it comes with batteries.

The main thing that I like about this one is that you can take off the battery, so if you need to replace it, all you have to do is takeoff the cover, like this, you can see that there's a battery inside and, hold on, if I remove that, which I will do right now, if I remove it, you can see that you have two slot inside.

One is for your micro SD, so it can take up to 32 gig.

The other one is for your SIM card, so you're out there doingsome kind of activity.

You don't have no batteryleft on your phone, and you want to make a phone call.

Super simple, take out yourSIM card from your phone, put it in, and you'reready to make it work, and you can make some phonecall with it directly so, even if you don't have acell phone in your pocket, you can always use this.

So basically this littlewatch here is a smart watch slash cell phone.

It's a multi-purpose watch.

You have many option also.

I will light it up so you can see.

Hold on, I will take also the protector.

(device startup music beeping) One thing to notice isyou have, like, a little, small screen protectoron it, but it also come with another one on it,so just to make sure that your screen doesn't scratch.

And once opened, you havemany function inside.

You can see that, I willshow it to you after on the camera for the closeup, but you have your mails, your contact, you can make some phone call, your hours, the personthat called you before, and you also have three option that you can choose from for the look inside.

Hold on, what else is there? There's a camera whichis very good to know because you can film with this.

It has a camera so you can take picture, and you can film with it, no problem.

You have a pedometer soif you walk a long time, it will tell you howmany time that you walk, how many kilometer also, and how much weight orcalorie that you lose.

You have a sleep monitor in it, so it will monitor your sleep.

That's great, and you haveplenty of other option that's easy to use.

And it's very well made.

It's not like a cheap plastic product.

This one is pretty solid, and the sound, also, you can play some music.

If you have some mp3on it, it will play it, but the only thing thatthey're asking for is for you to have a memory card inside, and after that it will work.

If I open here, you will see the cord where you plug your USB.

And it's also, it's not waterproof, but it's water resistant,so don't go swim with this but if there's, like, raining outside and it's in your hand,there won't be no problem.

You have the speaker in front and you also have a microphone hole here, so when you talk, they will hear it.

The screen does feel nice,and since it's curved it's like a whole new design here.

So hold on, if I want to make a phone call directly, I have a dialer on it sothat's very great on this.

You can dial your numbers, and it's very easy touse, also, so it's a plus.

You can also add some othercontact if you would like to.

That's up to you to do.

And if I quit it, and turn it off, and I turn it back on, I have three option ofskin that I can choose, so it's either the firstone, the second one, or the third one, andyou can switch between the one that you like the most.

And the time right now is notset because I did not do it, but you can do it.

It will hold up your time.

It's good for around like,what, three days of use, once it's charged.

And if it's in standby, it will last for way longer than this.

So basically the battery lifeon those is a great plus.

And the strap also, it's not a cheap strap that they put, it's like a solid one and for the price you just can't go wrong with this.

So great product to buy.

If you're interested in a smartwatch but you don't know if you want to pay like 400 or $300 for a smartwatch, get this one because it's below $70.

And it's one that worth it because it's basically is a cellularphone inside a watch so you can either pair it with your cell, or use it independently, it's up to you.

And there's a great feature on this is if you lose your phone athome because, I don't know, you're distracted or something, you don't know where you placed it, you can click a button, itwill find it back for you and vice versa, if you putthis somewhere in your home, and you don't know where it is, you can always trace itback with your cell phone so that's a great plus.

And one thing that I reallylike about this is the fact that they give you a screenprotector right off the bat, you take it off, you takethis little plastic off, and there will be anotherscreen protector on it.

So that's a great plus for you.

So if you like the videoyou can always subscribe and hit the "like" button.

Thank you, and see you nexttime for another video.

Thank you, bye.

Source: Youtube

Q18S SmartWatch Bluetooth Watch Phone Camera GSM CURVED Review ThinkUnBoxing
