How to make your phone fast.

How to make your phone fast

Life these days is fast, so the most annoying thing in life is something that will delay you when you try to do something. Like a slow cellphone. Imagine you just typed a message to a friend and when you try to tap the send button, the phone tells you the WhatsApp is not responding and need to close. This means you must reopen the app and retype the message again. Now when you try to send it just freeze while you busy tapping the send button until the friend goes offline, as they waited for you to reply and your taking the whole year.

Some device when they ring they just go black on the screen, not giving you the option to recieve or ignore the call. You could only hear the ringtone, after some few seconds the it displays the option, but the caller thinks you are very busy to take the call then hang up. A slow device will make you lose many call and when ever you make a call, at the end of the call you try to hangup by taping the red button button but the phone stops responding and the call is not dropped, until you ask the person on the other side to hangup because you phone is not responding. Having a slow phone is a horror movies coming to reality. There are couple of things you can Chang on your phone to avoid this horror.

A cellphone comes with a built it ram memory and processor, these to things they help your device to complete every process you engage on you phone. You must know the capacity of your device memory and the capacity of the processor so that you know the limit. Do not install too many apps on a device that runs on a 1G ram and 1ghz CPU as your phone will end up being very slow. In case of emergency, a slow phone is not needed. Make sure your phone is not running too many apps.

To make your phone performance faster you must uninstall all the unnecessary apps that runs on the background, make sure you close all the apps that you open. Clear the cached data at all times. Apps like the lock app and antivirus and themes, they make your phone slow.  Don't install too many apps on your phone. Don't open too many apps at the same time. If you follow these instructions, your phone will never be slow again.

