Lenovo's new discovery tab will be frozen if the phone is now

Lenovo's new discovery tab will be frozen if the phone is now

At Present everything is possible in the technology era. Lenovo, one of the device's tabs and smart Devices, has appeared. A week ago, in the third year of 'Lenovo Tech World', this company appeared in front of one such tab in front of customers. However, the gadget is still in the experimental stage, the company said.

The new tab is named as "Lenovo Folio". That means folding or folding can be kept in the same pocket as any mobile phone. The tab will be opened again. The new concept of this gadget will have a 1920x1440 resolution 7.8-inch screen display, Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor. It has been known to run the Android 7.0 Nugget operating system.

The surprise is not the end here. The special way to fold will be the size of the 5.5-inch mobile phone size. Together with the tabs software system will be swapped. Special camera for Tab will be replaced with mobile phone backup backup camera. Not only Lenovo, the same concept is working on companies like Samsung and Oppo. The Galaxy X, a folding device that is being heard, could bring the market to the market later this year. Now you just have to wait for your time.
