With the help of 27 engines, Mars will travel to the most modern space station

With the help of 27 engines, Mars will travel to the most modern space station

The goal of launching 'Falcon Heavy' in November this year has been announced by the space agency's construction company US space spaces X The company said the huge rocket is capable of launching a successful Mars mission. Recently, the company's chief Ellon Maske has been seriously concerned about the passenger movement. Although this launch is only going to start with this launch and the first attempt is to 'have a great fear of not having to fly in orbit', said the US magazine Fortune's report.

In 2011, the mask said that Falcon Heavy may be launched in 2013 or 2014.

Eulon Mask, known for being innovative and always optimistic about these ideas. Falcon Heavy Rocket is a much bigger engineering challenge than it was expected in this case. This rocket has 27 engines, the number is three times the size of SpaceX's spacecraft Falcon 9. To successfully launch these engines, the combination will be thorough. With the aim of the organization and the recent success of the test conducted on the ground, hopefully this launch will be done properly, it has been said in the report that in the report.

At the beginning of this year, SPACEx has taken its first Mars mission back from 01820 to 2020. There is a big rocket in the mask plan planned on the settlement of Mars. The project is still in the initial state. Falcon 9 recycling equipment will also be used in Falcon Heavy Rocket. Although the success of using this technique in Falcon 9, Falcone Heavy may be taken several years to bring it into the report.
