How to fix kindle app crash in iphone 8, iOS 11

Many user have this problem where after the upgrade to latest iOS software ie iOS 11, the apps are getting crashed or not working properly. One such app is amazon Kindle app. As the app opens and downloads books but opening any book in the kindle app makes it crash. Even if you try to restart the phone and the app the problem will still persist. User never had this issue with iOS 10.3, so definatly somtingn broke in app while running in iOS 11.
How to fix kindle app crash in iOS11:

This is very usual case when apps stop working properly after upgrading operating system (iOS) version. It could be due to app did not register well with new OS loaded in your iphone. In such cases it is recommended to
Ø  clear the cache of the application
Ø  Delete the app
Ø  Reinstall is from  App store.
