iOS 11 podcast autoplay next video continuously not working , iphone 8

In recent iOS11 released by Apple the podcast app has changed behaviour noticed by the users. Like in old podcast app would play episodes in your preferred order (oldest to newest, etc) continuously without having to add each episode to the “Up Next” playlist. But this podcast continuous video play seems to be missing from new iOS 11. Podcast app no longer plays next podcast. App stops playback when a podcast is finished. This seems to be redesign of the podcast on iOS 11. For many users this iOS “UPDATE” is horrible. The old app was easy and fast. Two clicks and you were playing your podcast. Surely the Apple should work on this and put continuous play back to iOS podcast software.

Fix 1 : Create ‘Station’

There is a possible workaround to manage this removed feature, is to create a ‘station’ for the individual podcast in question. I had a couple of stations already setup when I updated to iOS 11 where I’d add podcasts of a similar theme e.g. Soccer or technology and realised that the station settings allow you to choose the playing orders. You can then choose to play oldest to newest and they continue onto the next episode. This is a workaround and not a real fix but hope it helps someone.

Fix 2 : Switch to other apps

Try using Overcast app instead.  You can reorder episodes; tell it which podcasts to play first, even set up separate playlists with different podcasts.  You can download or stream episodes. It also does continuous play, of course.  
