WhatsApp New Feature Will Allow Group Admins To Mute Group Member.


WhatsApp One of The Most Widely used Instant messaging app recently working on Its New Feature. That gives more power to group admins and If You are group admin in your groups then you will love this. WhatsApp time to time give update and give more features on both the platforms android and iOS, But This feature could give more control to group admins for handling groups. So Far, Only way to stop notorious member of the group was by simply remove them from group. But Now WhatsApp give you one more way to handle those notorious member of the group. Now You don't really Have to remove them form group Anymore.

The new Restricted Group Feature allow group admins to disable other members from messaging within the group. This new feature is similar to the the mute functionality that you probably used in many other social media Applications. When You use this member the restricted member only read what's posted in a group, along with a the option to send direct message to the admin of the group. This gives more power and more functionality to the group admins And when Someone is spamming in group at that time this feature really helps you.

This feature is not available right now but soon it will be available widely. WhatsApp is currently testing this feature in a version 2.17.430 on the both android and iOS platforms. As of now You can only restrict a member for 72 hours. But when this feature become widespread then we will see some advanced functionality in it. This feature is currently disable by default, so don't expect to use it right now. This feature is good useful for everyone when the feature is widely available for everyone.

Are You Excited for the New Feature ?? What Do You Think About This new Feature is it useful or not?? Do let us know your valuable thoughts in the comment section below.       
