iOS 6 | iPhone 5 | Reset Network Settings | iOS 6.0.2

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I performed this task (in the video) on an iPhone 5, running iOS 6.0.2

1. Go to "Settings"
2. "General"
3. (Scroll to bottom) Choose "Reset"
4. (Third option down) "Reset Network Settings"
5. Press red confirmation button
6. Wait for phone to go through it's reset cycle. (Usually about 2 minutes or so)

Note: You WILL have to re-sign into any Wifi networks (with your password) once you finish the reset. So make sure you have all of this information available before resetting.

Good question. Each time I've stopped by my carrier's store to inquire about a network issue I have either had or am currently having, without fail, no matter which store I go in to, the very FIRST thing that the person does is to "Reset the Network Settings" on my phone. I've been to four different stores as a first step to remedy a couple difference situations, regarding connectivity. And, without fail, the procedure, that I show you in this video, is the first thing that each and everyone of the stores performs on my phone. Sometimes it fixes my problem and sometimes it doesn't. But if I had done this myself, I would have fixed the problem and still be sitting on my couch eating ice cream and watching Dr. Who. Not traipsing all over town for a simple fix.

So my feeling is this. If you've seen them do this same thing to your phone, then you'll know what I'm talking about. Why not save yourself the trip and just do this step of your troubleshooting yourself without having to make a time-consuming trip to your Cell Provider's store. A trip that, more times than not, ends in you calling tech support anyway because the people in the store haven't the slightest bit of technical knowledge. They are only there to sell (no pun intended) (Get it? 'Cell' 'Sell' ?).

Good luck and happy iPhoning.

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments below. I may or may not be able to help. But I'll do my best. If I can't answer it, maybe a fellow poster can shed some light.

I had the chance to use this on the spot at the store the other day. No signal on my phone by full bars on my wife's phone. So I reset the network settings. And I got my signal back. I was able to surf the web again.

