Nokia Return 2017 - Nokia 2017 Concept - Nokia Returning To Smartphone Market

Nokia Return 2017
Nokia 2017 Concept
Nokia Returning To Smartphone Market

Nokia Return 2017 can return with smartphones and without Microsoft

let talk about Nokia return 2017
A few years ago, no one doubts that the market leader in mobile phones is Nokia. Then, Apple and Google have changed the rules of the game. And in 2013 the mobile phone business known Finnish company has sold a software corporation the Microsoft . It replaced the push-button phone with the release of iPhone came sensory rectangles. But the company has played an important role in the history of cell phones and maybe even play.

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Nokia return 2017 because later than in the next year the company intends to return to the phone market. This resource Re / code reported 'two relatives Nokia plans to source. " Prospects for the company to return to the smart phone market was April 20, 2015 Sometimes considered Fried (Ina Fried) in the article «Nokia Plots 2017 Return to Phone Market» in the pages of Re / code. Additionally, according to the same sources, the company has several other ambitious technological projects, including something related to the field of virtual reality.

Nokia Return 2017 Technology

Nokia Technologies - the smallest of the three businesses, which remained with the company after the deal with Microsoft. The other two - direction mapping and networking equipment. Nokia Technologie is known primarily as a unit, the licensing giant portfolio containing over 10,000 patents.

Nokia return 2017 Facts

Unlike other "patent houses" that do nothing other than intellectual property licensing, Nokia Technologies has designed new products and license them to other companies. In fact, the real achievement is not so great. This division has produced just two products - Android-program called Zlauncher and N1, Android-tablet, designed by him and licensed from third parties who may sell it under the Nokia name in China, whose attractiveness is provided by pleasant memories of previous products loved by millions of users. Her return to the market, most likely, will take place in the framework of such tactics.

Nokia Return 2017 Just The Beginning

But the "insiders" say that these two products - just the beginning. One of the former Nokia executives Richard Kerris (Richard Kerris) said. They have a lot of magnificent in design. This gives me full confidence that Nokia - a company that will not go away.

Nokia Return 2017 Developments

Without going into details, Kerris said that people would be surprised if some of these developments will be released to the market.

That time, Nokia is silent about their developments. Indeed, under the terms of the contract with Microsoft, the end of this year, Nokia return to the market of smart phones is not possible:

Under the agreement, Nokia may not return phone market until December 31, 2015. Under the terms of the deal, Nokia can not reenter the phone business until after Dec. 31, 2015. ( «Microsoft Deal Could Mean End of the Road for Nokia-Branded martphones», AllThingsD, September 3, 2013)

Nokia Return 2017 The King Is Back

But nothing prevents us to go back after the completion of the actions of these contract terms. Therefore, the company works hard and prepares the products that hit the market in 2017 and in subsequent years.

Nokia Return 2017 Technology Centers

Nokia Technologies has four centers - in Sunnyvale, California, Cambridge, England, as well as in the Finnish city of Espoo and Tampere. Nokia Technologies has grown from the office of the chief engineer of the old the Nokia, unit, which for years has helped develop many technologies before they are embodied in the finished products. Even when the key Nokia smartphone business focused on Windows Phone, the chief engineer of the office has worked on other projects, which included phones and tablets.

Last year, the department was headed by the former head of Dolby Labs Ramzi Haydamus (Ramzi Haidamus), as well as the chief engineer was hired many years the head of Cisco Dzhoret Guido (Guido Jouret).

However, even if the name of the Nokia phone will return to the business, do not expect that the company will launch a major new production processes. She simply sold them to Microsoft and has no desire to repeat them.

Nokia Return 2017 The Success of Nokia

Licensing brand anyone can reduce costs, but also enables the products to be successful, while maintaining at least partial control over Nokia. Finaly is seems The Nokia Return 2017 can compete Samsung Galaxy S7 and Apple iPhone in smartphone market. After all Nokia is Nokia.

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